Career Transformers & Career Innovators
A passionate and vibrant community of career transformers and career innovators
Product Vision
“A passionate and vibrant community of career transformers and career innovators”
Product Value Proposition
For people who are transiting or transforming their careers, Product Audience is a vibrant and passionate community of careers transformers and career innovators that are helping, supporting and mentoring each other throughout every step of their careers growth and development.
For ESG-API Careers, Product Audience is a critical people asset that creates a passionate and vibrant community base of career transformers and career innovators. Our people & our community is a key asset at the centre of ESG-API Careers.
Problem Statement
As Sarah growth individual, I am trying to transition and transform my career but I am currently finding it very difficult and feeling very lonely, isolated and alone because I keep getting rejection letters and no one around me understands and support me which makes me feel more lonely, isolated and depressed. I keep asking myself ‘Am I good enough?’
As ESG-API Careers, we are trying to build a passionate and vibrant community of career transformers & career innovators but it is proving to be more challenging and difficult than initially envision because it is difficult to find, connect and grow like-minded people who are open to sharing their career transformation journey with other people they don’t know which makes us as an organisation feel more determined, more committed and more eager to develop a passionate and vibrant community of career transformers.
OKR – Objective and Key Results
The key objective of Product - Audience is to build a passionate and vibrant community of career transformers and career innovators
Key Results
1. Product Goal 1 – Build a passionate and vibrant community of 5 career transformers and career innovators
2. Product Goal 2 – Build a passionate and vibrant community of 13 career transformers and career innovators
3. Product Goal 3 – Build a passionate and vibrant community of 20 career transformers and career innovators
Power in Numbers